DCE Corrosion Engineering (DCE) a wholly owned subsidiary of Refraline Pty Ltd. was awarded the contract for the installation of Acid Resistant Brick Linings to the Sulphuric Acid Plant at the new Smelter from Kansanshi Mining PLC Solwezi in Zambia. The acid plant is one of the largest acid plants in the world. The internal steel diameter of the Sulphuric Acid Towers is 10 meter with grid domes that spanned over entire diameter.
DCE Corrosion Engineering brick lined the first three Sulphuric Acid Towers in South Africa in 1970 for Lurgi at West Driefontein Gold Mine. Since that time DCE lined 86 Sulphuric Acid Towers in South Africa and neighbouring countries initial.
After award of the Sulphuric Acid Plant, DCE’s contract was amended to include some Refractory Brick Linings to the Matte Settling Furnace Stack, the Pre-heater, the Launders and Paving at the Smelter.
The order was further amended to include Acid Resistant Brick Linings and Epoxy Screeds to protect the concrete substrates at the Acid Plant.